Alpacas and llamas are members of the camelid family. Llamas and alpacas are not wild but domesticated. The alpacas is greatly appreciated for its many qualities, not least of which is the value of alpaca wool, known as fiber. It is soft, strong, and warm (warmer than most sheep wool). Types of alpaca A huacaya alpaca A suri alpaca The huacaya appearance is due to its fibre growing vertically out of its skin in small bundle with a tight crimped wave which makes the fleece sit vertically off the skin giving it a Teddy Bear look. The suri appearance is due to its fibre growing out of the skin in bundles/locks without any crimped wave. This makes the suri locks twist and hang down along the flank of the alpaca giving it an appearance like a Wensleydale sheep. Behavior Alpacas and llamas are social animals and flock oriented. They produced muted but distinctive humming sound to communicate with one another. Humming is heard frequently with a dam and...