Protocol for Marginal Ear Vein / Artery Blood Sample Collection in Rabbit

What volume of blood can be safely collected at any one time in a 2 kg pet rabbit?
And how is this calculated?

The maximum volume removed at any one time should not exceed 10% of the circulating blood volume. Total blood volume in a healthy rabbit range between 5.5-7% of body weight. Therefore, in a 2 kg rabbit the total blood volume ranges between 110-140 ml and the maximum volume of blood that may be safely taken is 11-14 ml. A slightly lower volume may be prudent for juveniles, ill animals or suspected anaemic cases.

Protocol for marginal ear vein / artery blood sample collection

Requirements include animal, anesthetic agent, cotton, 26G needle, 95% v/v alcohol, topical vasodilatator (o-Xylene), surgery blade and blood sample collection tube.

  • The animal should be placed in a restrainer. Restrain rabbit securely with mechanical rabbit restrainer, towel wrap method or commercially available sacks.
  • Ear is cleaned with 95% v/v alcohol and local anesthetic cream is applied on the collection site 10 min prior to sampling
  • if required, to dilate vessel: apply warm compress to eat, or massage ear for 30 to 60 second or the o-Xylene/topical vasodilatator may be applied topically on the on the collection site to dilate blood vessels).
  • A 26 G needle may be used to collect blood from animal marginal vein, or size 11 surgical blade is used to cut the marginal ear vein and blood is collected in collecting tube.
  • Occlude vessel proximal to collection site
  • Holding the ear flap in the non-dominant hand, insert needle, bevel up, into the vein.
  • Watch for flash of blood in hub, and maintaining control of the needle, slowly aspirate syringe to prevent vessel collapse. Slow suction pressure was essential to avoid collapse of the auricular artery and thus to avoid hemolysis of blood collected.
  • After collecting blood, clean sterile cotton or gauze is kept on the collection site and finger pressure is applied to stop bleeding (apply firm pressure with gauze for one minute to ensure hemostatis).
  • Dispose of the needle into approved sharp container.

Collection of blood from auricular artery (Baby et al., 2017).

Blood sample collection from rabbit marginal ear vein using 26G needle (Parasuraman et al., 2010)

Blood sample collection from rabbit marginal ear vein using incision method (Parasuraman et al., 2010)


Keeble, E., and Meredith, A., 2006. Rabbit medicine and surgery. Manson Publishing Ltd, London, United Kingdom.

University veterinarian and animal resources, 2017. SOP: Blood Collection from the marginal ear vein in the rabbit.

Parasuraman, S., Raveendran, R., and Kesavan, R., 2010. Blood sample collection in small laboratory animals. Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics. 1(2):87-93.

Baby, P.M., Jacob, S.S., Kumar, R., and Kumar, P., 2017. An innovative approach for serial injection in marginal vein and blood collection from auricular artery in New Zealand white rabbit. MethodsX 4:457-460.


  1. Great blog! This blog is very informative as I got to know more about home sample collection near me. Thank you for sharing.


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